Tracing the roots of your family history can be very insightful and helpful.
DNA home testing is gaining huge popularity by allowing you to carry out the test and access your results from the comfort of your own home.
DNA testing refers to the process of using a swab to collect cells from the lining of a person's cheek. The test can be used to identify ancestral history and changes in the DNA sequence.
They can also provide a useful tool in helping doctors to identify and diagnose any possible diseases or illnesses that are associated with your family history through your genetic makeup.
There are many different DNA testing companies available and knowing which one is most compatible with your requirements can be a challenge.
GTL DNA offers a range of testing services to cater to the needs of each user. Before we delve into the history of GTL DNA and the quality of the services that they offer, let's take a look at the purpose of DNA testing in a little more detail.

What is DNA testing?
DNA testing also known as genetic testing, refers to the conduction of a chemical test, either carried out using the cells from your cheek, although every cell in the body contains the same DNA, or via fingerprints. .
While many users use DNA testing to find out more about their past and their ancestors, as mentioned previously, DNA tests are also used to identify any changes in chromosomes and genes.
It can also help to determine the likeliness of an individual developing a particular condition depending on their DNA.
What is GTL DNA?
Established in 2001, GTL DNA offers high-quality testing that provides its users with access to answers regarding any relationship queries that they have.
The test that is carried out will provide the evidence that is needed to determine the accuracy of a particular relationship. They also offer tests that can help you to learn more about yourself and your background.
Based in the UK, GTL prides themselves on providing accurate laboratory conducted tests using 21 genetic markers.
Genetic markers can help to link a particular disease or illness to the gene responsible. They essentially play a significant role in genetic mapping and are in locating the unknown genes.
How do the GTL DNA tests work?
Impressively, GTL DNA can be used by users regardless of where they are in the world. With no location service limit, you can receive a test from any location in the world. The process of conducting the test is very simple.
First, you must order your kit using their online website. Once you have done so you will then receive your DNA testing kit that you will use to collect your samples. Again the procedure is easy to complete.
You will need to use the swabs that you are sent to collect the DNA from the inside of your cheek. Once you have collected the DNA using the swabs you can then send your samples back to the company.
The amount of time taken for your test results to come back will depend on the type of test that you choose, although the whole process should take a total of 8 days.
For those who wish to access their results sooner, GTL offers an express testing service that allows their user to access their results within a quicker time frame.
What DNA testing services does GTL DNA offer?
GTL DNA offers an extensive range of DNA tests that can not only be used on humans but on dogs and animals too.
Below we have delved a little further providing you with more detail surrounding each type of test that they offer.
Dog DNA Test
For those who wish to learn more about their dog's health and breed composition, the dog DNA tests are a great option.
They offer a variety of tests within this category and each is suited to identifying a particular element of your dog's health.
Their tests help to determine your dog's breed as well as their susceptibility to any diseases. The tests range in price with the most affordable priced at £49 and the most expensive priced at £129.
The dog DNA tests include:
- DNA My Dog Breed Identification Test
- Dog Allergy Testing
- Dog Parentage DNA Testing
- Dog Inherited Disease Test
- Wisdom Panel 2.0 Dog Breed Test
In terms of accuracy, GTL claims that these tests are 99.99% accurate. This allows you to be confident in the reliability of your results.
Paternity Testing
The GTL Paternity tests are used to identify the probability of the relation between a male and a child.
Conducting the test allows you to understand whether the suspected father is biologically related to the child.
A great thing about these tests is that they can be carried out quickly and accurately. The process is also very straightforward which allows you to access your results within a short time frame so you aren't left waiting in uncertainty before receiving your results.
These tests include:
- Home Paternity Testing
- Legal Paternity Testing
- DNA Testing for Immigration
When it comes to the accuracy of the paternity tests, GTL claim for their tests to have a 99.99% accuracy in determining whether the male is the father and 100% accuracy in determining when the male isn't the father.
Relationship Testing
The relationship tests offered by GTL determine the biological relationship between individuals who are thought to be related.
There are different tests available that are best suited to identifying particular relations.
These tests are a little more costly in comparison to the others that are offered by the company.
The cheapest test on offer is £99 while the most expensive is £299. The tests that are available to determine different relations are as follows:
- DNA Siblingship test
- Aunt, Uncle DNA test
- Grandparent DNA test
- Twin DNA test
- Mitochondrial DNA test
- Y chromosome test
- DNA Maternity test
- Genetic Reconstruction Test
Just like the other tests that are offered by GTL, the relationship tests are considered to be 99.99% accurate so you can be confident in the reliability of the results that you receive.
Prenatal Tests
The prenatal tests are to be carried out during pregnancy. The tests within this category can fulfil many purposes.
While some parents may wish to use these tests to gain a more detailed understanding of their babies health or gender, others may wish to carry out a prenatal DNA test to access more information surrounding paternity.
- 98%+ Accurate Baby Gender Test
- Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test
- Non- Invasive Prenatal Test for Down's Syndrome
When it comes to the tests used to identify the babies gender as suggested by the name of the test, it is considered to be 98% accurate in offering scientific data surrounding the gender of your child.
Ancestry Testing
The Ancestry testing offered by GTL allows you to learn more about the genetic origin of your history.
For those that are wanting to learn more about their genetic background, this test provides a viable option.
Along with your ancestral history, you can also learn more about your maternal and paternal background.
- GPS Origins Ancestry Test
- Paternal Lineage DNA Testing
- Maternal Lineage DNA Testing
- Ancestral Origins DNA
- Ancestry Test
Health and Wellbeing Test
Another test offered by GTL is the health and wellbeing tests which allow you to learn more about your health background by conducting a thorough analysis of your genes.
They can also provide you with an insight into how you can improve your health and wellbeing. The tests that are conducted are part of this category include the following:
- SkincareDNA Testing
- DNA Diet and Healthy Weight Wellbeing
GTL also offers a range of additional DNA Tests and this includes drug tests, clinical tests, animal tests and other tests.
The range of other tests include DNA banking and profiling, DNA Profile testing, Disaster victim identification, Collect and send today DNA testing and surrogacy DNA testing.
The range of tests that are offered by GTL shows that there is an expansive range on offer that can help you to learn more about different areas of your lifestyle.
Understanding the DNA Test Results
Once your test samples have been submitted to GTL you will then receive a report detailing a breakdown of your results.
The length of time that the results take to come back varies depending on the test that you choose.
You should expect the results of a paternity test to take around 3-5 days to come back, Y chromosome tests, however, take around 5 to 7 days to come back.
When it comes to gathering the results from your paternity test you will of course receive one out of two results. The results will either state that the father is the biological relation to the baby or that they aren't.
The report will essentially provide evidence to back up the findings of your DNA test, providing a detailed understanding in regards to what each of the findings means.
The first column will display the numbers relating to the 21 loci that GTL have used when testing your DNA.
How are Home and Legal Tests different?
There are differences between home and legal testing. Home testing, also referred to as peace of mind testing, is a DNA test which is conducted of an individual's own accord rather than there being a demanding need as to why the test is required.
A peace of mind test refers to one that is conducted within the comforts of your own home to provide peace of mind.
Using the swabs that are provided, the samples will then be carried out by the individual before being returned to the company who will then analyse the data in detail.
Essentially, the results of a home DNA test will not serve any legal purpose and will be solely used for your own knowledge.
A legal test is conducted when the results are required for a legal purpose or needed as evidence in court.
Often they tend to be used as evidence to resolve parenting disputes or immigration issues.
Unlike peace of mind testing, legal DNA tests will be carried out in a specific environment by a sampler rather than being left in your possession.
Privacy Policy
In regards to the privacy surrounding GTL DNA testing, there is a privacy policy in place which ensures that you can use their service in confidence knowing that your data is protected.
This is the case regardless of the service and test that you opt for. Their privacy policy states that access and use of the website should be done so in accordance with the privacy policy.
When you are accessing the website you are agreeing to the policies that are detailed in the privacy agreement.
The agreement states the type of information that is provided and how it is going to be used. It also details additional factors including data security and data protection compliance.
How much do GTL DNA tests cost?
A great thing about GTL is that they have several payment options in place to cater to the needs of different individuals. Their service allows you to pay using PayPal, credit card or bank transfer.
The tests can vary in price although, on the whole, the service is considered to provide high-quality tests at a pretty affordable price.
You will also find that the tests available within each category can differ rather significantly and this is often dependent on the extensiveness and purpose of the test.
Benefits of using GTL DNA Testing
The speed of results
Unlike many other DNA testing service providers, GTL allows you to access your tests within a minimal amount of time.
As we have mentioned previously, the time taken for your results to return can differ depending on the type of test that you choose.
Following the time in which you submit your results following the conduction of your tests, you can then expect to receive your results within a week. The whole ordering process, including carrying out the test and receiving your results should take no longer than 8 days.
Many customers who have previous experience of using the service have commented on how impressed they were at the speed in which their results came back.
Also, it is necessary to note that from the time that you order, your DNA testing kit should be with you within a 1-2 day time frame.
The quality of the customer service
As I'm sure many are aware, the quality of service can be highly impressionable in regards to how well the company is received by customers.
Reviews from customers who have already used the company have stated that the quality of the customer service surpassed their expectations and the providers were very attentive to their needs.
Availability of the test
A great thing about the GTL DNA tests is that they are available in the UK and the USA despite being a UK based company.
Should you require a DNA test to rectify parental disputes or uncertainties, or you want a DNA test for your dog or other animals, regardless of where you are located you can receive the testing kits and your results.
The DNA tests available
GTL offers an extensive range of DNA tests some of which can be used as evidence for legal proceedings and others that can be used for personal interest and knowledge.
Not only are there tests available that can be carried out on humans, but a variety that allows you to find out more about your pets or animals too.
The accuracy of the DNA results
As previously stated, the GTL tests claim to be 99.99% accurate in most cases. Many customers who have purchased a test from the company have stated that the results that they received were reliable and accurate.
This provides peace of mind in allowing you to order your tests with confidence in the results that you are going to receive.
Drawbacks of using GTL DNA Testing
The complexity of the process
Many existing customer reviews have stated that the process of using the website and accessing their results was rather complex.
Although the process of carrying out the DNA test at home is relatively straightforward, the statistics and data contained within the results report can be a little difficult to digest.
For those who are unfamiliar with reading DNA testing reports this information is likely to be rather difficult to understand.
Other reviews also stated that the process of using the website was a little challenging which can make the thought of using the company a little off-putting.
Completing the forms
Similarly to using the website and understanding the results, some reviews suggest that the forms can be difficult to complete.
For those who are unfamiliar with completing DNA testing forms, this is likely to prove difficult and may even put some individuals off from using the company if they are unable to complete the forms that are required.