Informational Guides


Recent scientific advances and the progress that’s been made in DNA testing over the last few years has allowed people all over the world to reconnect with family, from long-lost ancestors to birth parents and adopted children. Paternity testing is a commonly known type of DNA test thanks to a

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DNA is such a fascinating topic. In recent years, more people than ever are deciding to trace their own DNA to find out their heritage or blood relations. In the 21st Century, the way DNA has been used to discover things has been revolutionary. DNA is a fairly recent discovery

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Home DNA tests have exploded in popularity in recent years. The convenience of being able to perform the test in your own home has meant that it is now more accessible.  They are available for purchase online and in some drugstores. Some tests will specify that the subject must be

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The human body is made up of thousands of cells, and each of these contains a thing called chromosomes. We know that you heard the term in science class, but you wouldn’t be the only one to forget what they were as soon as you left school! Chromosomes are threads

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Self-DNA testing is becoming more and more popular, and lots of top companies are competing for sales with their own versions of these test kits. They are great for those who are looking for more information about where they came from and who want to know more about their familial

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DNA is also known as deoxyribonucleic acid. It is the building block of all life, containing the genetic information that makes each of us an individual. This is known as a genome. A genome is approximately 3,000,000,000 base pairs long and is split into 23 pairs of chromosomes.  DNA gives

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Double cousins occur when two siblings from one family have children with two siblings from another. The two sets of offspring will be genetically related through both of their parents and will share twice as much DNA with each other compared to regular first cousins.  A double cousin essentially means

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DNA is something that has become commonplace in modern society. It is referred to daily, and a central part of all of our lives. We all have DNA, and all of our DNA is completely unique to us, however, it can help provide information about our history, and even help

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DNA is something that most people have heard of, but a lot of people don’t really understand. A lot of people know the basics but very few people understand what DNA is.In short, DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid and is a molecule formed of 2 chains that coil together to

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DNA testing is a fantastic feat of scientific discovery. It has helped countless families around the globe to get much needed answers regarding their relatives and their parents. It can find the biological parents of an adopted person, it can help a mother to confirm the father of her baby,

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In short, paternity tests can be wrong. The World Net Daily reported that between 14% and 30% of paternity tests are fraudulent. Next time you’re watching Jerry Springer reruns maybe just take the DNA test results with a pinch of salt. If you’re thinking about purchasing a paternity test, then

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Genes are like the story and DNA is the language that the story is written in - Sam KeanCarl Sagan, while alluding to the origin of humanity and our species shared provenance, famously said “We are all stardust”. Where we come from determines everything about who we are and will

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If you are interested in learning about your family history, genealogy and genetic heritage, then you will most likely come across the term genetic distance. This is a common phrase that is used when examining DNA results, family trees or genetic matches.When you send a DNA test back to a

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Both Ancestry DNA and MyHeritage launched their companies around the same time, and they were focused on building the family tree of those that took their tests. Since then, they have progressed into offering more services and digging deeper into the past.If you are looking to have your DNA tested

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A blood transfusion is when a volume of donor blood is given to your body during a time of crisis. This acts as a supplementation to the blood your body naturally provides, restoring normal levels of red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. You must sign a consent form prior to a

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DNA is something that was first discovered back in the 19th century, but it is only in the last 40 years that it has become commonplace in day to day life. Since the first time, DNA was used in a criminal investigation, the full potential of this integral part of

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Two of the leading companies when it comes to DNA testing, are 23andMe and MyHeritage.You will often see the names of these two companies floating around when in search of the best DNA testing kits on the market.If you have questions about your heritage and relations from the past, the

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DNA is a complex subject to get your head around, though it’s also extremely fascinating. It’s essentially what makes you, you. Traits are specific characteristics of an individual: from physical traits such as eye color or blood type to mental or health-related traits, such as our personalities, or predisposition to certain

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DNA is such a fascinating thing. Aside from scientists, not many people do a lot of introspective thinking into the different parts of our bodies, and aside from knowing that DNA is something that we all have, not many people know exactly what it is. DNA is incredible because even

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