In the last decade, the DNA testing market has exploded!
Whether you're looking to test your own, or your pet's DNA then you have a huge amount of options. 10 years ago you had a choice of one or two options.
These days narrowing down which DNA service you want to use can be an overwhelming experience. Thankfully for you, we have put together reviews on a whole range of DNA tests.
Today we'll be looking at the range of DNA tests offered by the company Assure DNA Wellbeing.
What really piqued our interest in Assure is they offer some very unique tests. All of which are focused on understanding and improving health. They say that these tests will help you live a longer and better life.
Today we'll be taking a deep dive into the ideas behind Assure's tests, their costs, their testing procedures, and give our final thoughts on whether or not these tests are worth the money.
Let's begin…

We'll start this review by looking at the cost of Assure DNA's tests.
Currently, all of their tests cost £99.
To compare this to their competitors, both 23&Me and charge £79 for their tests.
However, both of these tests are designed to gather information about your racial history. Whereas the tests from Assure are more specialist and focus more on health.
Testing Procedure
With just a mouth swab, we can help you discover how your genes affect your diet, nutritional requirements, skin health, estrogen levels, and, with a stool sample, your gut health.
This information allows you to make simple, positive lifestyle adjustments, and take back control of your own health, living healthier and feeling good.' - Assure
According to Assure DNA Wellbeing their testing procedure should only take a few minutes. It should also be non-invasive and pain-free. This is all the case.
Assure will post you the DNA testing kit, that comes with instructions and two testing swabs. To collect the required buccal cells you will need to rub the swab across the inside of your cheek. This should take 2-5 minutes to complete.
Your set will include a free postage kit to return the samples. Simply post them back to Assure DNA Wellbeing.
Within 10 working days of receiving your samples, the lab will process your results and return them to you. In some places on their website, they do advertise a 2 working day turnaround.
It is possible to send more than one test off to Assure DNA Wellbeing at once. If you want to do this then you should expect it to take longer than 10 working days to receive your results.
This testing method is not too dissimilar to most other DNA testing websites.
The Results
If you have done a lot of research into DNA tests, you will have noticed that these tests tend to fall under two categories: mass market or scientific.
Assure DNA Wellbeing falls into the scientific category without a shadow of a doubt.
Therefore unlike the more mass-market tests that offer apps or animated websites to review your results on, Assure simply sends a pamphlet, or an email in a PDF.
It is not very glamorous but if you consider the type of tests you're doing, this is probably the most appropriate way to receive their results.
What do they do with my data after the results are worked out?
Assure DNA Welling is a Norwich, Uk based DNA testing site. For this reason, your results will be protected under UK law.
Therefore, your DNA and data are protected by both the UK data protection policy and GDPR rules.
Legally assure can only test the DNA markers that you have requested them to, and your data will be stored under an anonymous ID, that cannot be accessed without your permission.
Your test results are kept for a year before being destroyed. Your DNA is kept for 6 months before being destroyed. Your test swabs are kept for 4 weeks before being destroyed.
Who is Assure DNA Wellbeing?
As we mentioned above, Assure DNA Wellbeing is a Norwich based DNA testing lab that offers tests to an international market.
This company offers wellbeing and health inspired DNA tests. These DNA tests are designed to give you a better understanding of how your body is made up and what it needs.
These differ from most of their competitors as Assure does not offer ancestry DNA tests, but they offer what they refer to as 'lifestyle' DNA tests.
Their range includes 4 'lifestyle' DNA tests, and they are advertising that they are currently developing a range of supplements. They also have a digestive testing kit coming soon.
Assure DNA is a subsidiary of Nkaarocco Diagnostics Limited which is another Norwich based DNA laboratory. Sometimes on their website, they will refer to themselves as Assure, and other times it will be Nkaarco.
What products are offered by Assure DNA Wellbeing?
Assure DNA Wellbeing currently offer 4 'lifestyle' DNA tests, and they are advertising that they are currently developing a range of supplements.
These tests are their Vitamins, Antioxidants & Minerals Test kit; Weight & Diet Test kit; Skin & Healthy Ageing Test Kit; and Estro Test Kit. They also have a digestive testing kit coming soon.
Vitamins, Antioxidants & Minerals Test kit
Assure notes this test will measure four key gene markers that deal with the following:
Omega 3 - As Omega 3 is so key to our bodies functioning correctly, this part of the test measures the gene markers responsible for producing inflammatory cytokines and OMEGA-3.
The effectiveness of these gene markers can help instruct Omega 3 consumption.
Vitamin A and D metabolism - In colder parts of the world, like the UK for example, the majority of the population are Vitamin D deficient.
We need vitamin D to protect our musculoskeletal health. Vitamin A is one of the main supporters of our Immune System.
Being deficient in either of these vitamins can lower your quality of life. The effectiveness of these gene markers can help instruct Vitamin A and D consumption.
Detoxification - Our body has a natural ability for screening toxins. Some of our bodies, however, are better at doing this than others.
By testing the genes responsible for releasing screening cells, you can better understand how to help your immune system function.
Oxidative Stress & Detoxification - This part of the test looks at the gene markers responsible for fighting free radicals (which can cause our body cells to mutate), it tracks their effectiveness at fighting these toxins, and how effectively they remove them.
If you haven't had a vitamin deficiency it's hard to understand the negative effects it can have on your body.
Many of us have a vitamin deficiency without knowing it, be it Vitamin D, or iron (in the case of many women). These deficiencies can leave us exhausted and underperforming.
As booking a Dr's appointment becomes more difficult, having access to a private test will change lives.
Being able to understand your deficiencies will enable you to take your health into your own hands.
Weight & Diet Test kit
Assure notes this test will measure three key gene markers that deal with the following:
The effects of physical activity - some of our bodies find it easier to burn calories whilst exercising.
This test assesses the gene markers that are responsible for this, noting how efficient our body is at performing physical activities.
Sensitivity to Refined Carbohydrates - If our body is more sensitive to refined carbohydrates then we will see a rise in blood glucose levels after consuming them.
We will also see a greater amount of weight gain after eating them. This part of the test looks at how well the genes responsible for breaking down refined carbohydrates cope.
Sensitivity to saturated fats - This part of the test looks at how well the genes responsible for breaking down fat work.
If they do not breakdown and absorb fat correctly this can lead to extensive health problems.
This test is built around the idea that if we understand how our body responds to certain parts of our lifestyle we will have a better understanding of how to stay healthy.
Assure advertises these tests as something that can help you lose or maintain weight. We would recommend discussing any of the results you receive with a dietician.
With the test results, you will receive from Assure, this will also include personalized lifestyle and diet tips to help you improve your health.
Skin & Healthy Ageing Test Kit
Assure notes this test will measure four key gene markers that deal with the following:
Skin structure and aging - this part of the test measures how effective your body is at producing collagen and elastin, by studying the gene responsible for this
Advanced glycation end products (age) - here your genes are examined for any sensitivities to refined carbohydrates. These sensitivities can lead to premature wrinkling, aging, and excess oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress, detoxification, and inflammation - this part of the test covers three issues. It checks how well your genes trigger the detoxification process.
It checks how good your genes are at preventing and breaking down inflammation. Finally, this part of the test checks how well your genes can block harmful UV rays from penetrating your skin.
Vascular tone and water retention - this test measures how vulnerable your vascular pressure and tone is to outside influences like tobacco, alcohol, processed foods, and salt.
If you are someone who is concerned about skin health and/or premature aging then this is a pretty unique test that you will find really useful.
This test will give you an idea of what kind of skin care medication and products you will need to use to improve your skin's health.
With the test results you will receive from Assure, they will also include personalized lifestyle and diet tips to help you improve your health.
Estro Test Kit
Assure notes this test will measure four key gene markers that deal with the following:
Oestrogen Metabolism - this part of the test examines how effective your estrogen production and metabolism is.
Oxidative Stress & Detoxification - this examines how effective your body is at flushing out toxins and fighting free radicals.
Refined Carbohydrates - If our body is more sensitive to refined carbohydrates then we will see a rise in blood glucose levels after consuming them.
We will also see a greater amount of weight gain after eating them. This part of the test looks at how well the genes responsible for breaking down refined carbohydrates cope.
Lipids Metabolism - our body's cholesterol levels are dictated by our lipid levels. This part of the test checks your body's ability to produce lipids.
This is a test designed to help women to get a better understanding of their bodies' Estrogen levels and any knock-on effects that may have on their reproductive systems.
The markers that are tested make this a test that will have some use to women of all ages (post puberty).
Having appropriate Estrogen levels can improve a woman's quality of life and her overall health.
Coming soon - Digestive Test and Supplements
On their website Assure DNA Wellbeing is currently advertising two new launches coming soon.
We have no clear date on when these might be released. We imagine these releases have been delayed by lockdown restrictions in England.
We also noticed that Assure previously had more information about what these products would test for or provide.
This information has been taken off their websites, this makes us think there have been further delays to the products' release dates.
Customer Reviews
Assure has an average of 4.3 stars across 9 reviews on Trustpilot. The reviews are attributed to the whole Nkaarco company, however, most reviews refer to Assure tests.
Notable comments include -
'Provides useful information in the fastest times'
'Fast and reliable. I recommend it to everyone.'
Product information was to a "Tee". Helps you to understand how your body responds and reacts to the diagnosis'
It is very rare to see a company with 100% positive reviews on TrustPilot.
Final Thoughts
The thing that piqued our interest most about Assure DNA Wellbeing's DNA tests is how unique they are compared to other tests on the market.
They are more similar to tests you can request from your healthcare providers. They appear to be tests that will give you the tools to practically improve your life, in an informed manner.
As we would with any 'medical' that advises lifestyle change, we recommend you talk to your appropriate healthcare professional before making any changes in your life.
Particularly, if you start restricting your intake of certain foods.
Whilst all the tests offered by Assure seem really intriguing, some are hits and some are misses.
We'd like to note that we are incredibly interested in the Digestive Health test they are developing.
As it may give a lot of people chances to better understand their digestive health and allergies.
We are not, however, interested in their range of supplements. Any brand that offers a test to tell you what vitamins you're deficient in, and just so happens to sell vitamin supplements…
Well, it doesn't seem very professional, and we'd be wary of our results. That being said, we cannot pass judgment until these supplements have been launched.
Assure does offer a range of very in-depth tests for a more than competitive price. We would recommend looking into all of their tests apart from the Weight and Diet Test.
Which is a good test, but we would recommend talking to your doctor beforehand.